When it comes to almost any kind of battery, Battery Boy is proud that we are your source. From automotive and farm to construction equipment, motorcycle, marine, lawnmower and locomotive batteries, we have it or can get it for you. You can even have your vehicle’s battery changed here, in usually less than 15 minutes!
Recycling batteries properly is very important to Battery Boy because it’s important for the health of our environment. We will collect and even pay you for lead acid batteries. We recycle about 1 million pounds of them every year. For no charge, we will also collect household batteries for recycling.
Battery Boy has been serving Chatham-Kent and region for over 30 years. We care about the community and show our commitment to our neighbours in various ways including our support for the Chatham-Kent Hospice and Goodfellows, along with many other local charities.
But let’s not forget our local kids. Our Battery Boy youth soccer teams are the best! Go get’em kids!